Discover some of the work carried out by our teams
Making wooden / OSB boxes on the dimensions of the equipment, using certified materials (ISPM15) to be able to be transferred over
We intervene on the Electrical / Mechanical disconnection and confection of wooden pods per size. The equipment will be mechanically fixed to
The equipment arrives at our warehouse, then it will be transferred to the Laboratory and positioned in the space according to the
Extraction of the Injection machine from the production hall, making of wooden pods per size (and to withstand a loading load of
Extraction of the Injection machine from the production hall, confection of the wooden box on size (and to withstand a loading load
Extraction of the Injection machine from the production hall, confection of the wooden box on size (and to withstand a loading load
Extraction of equipment from the Laboratory, packing and preparation for transfer to another City / Country.